Sunday, February 7, 2016

Nail Biters Anonymous

Say it with me now...ouuuuuchhhhhhh!! This is what a typical week of school and work stress does to me. I have always been a HUGE nail-biter, honestly since I can remember. When I was very little I sucked my thumb, and then transitioned to nail-biting. I am in a constant state of pain and besides just isn't professional looking to be sucking and biting your nails. As a makeup artist, I work with my hands everyday and the condition of my nails makes me insecure. I don't always have the $$$ to get my nails done professionally, and even when I do...I usually end up ripping them off (I am very particular about the way my nails are done). When I first discovered DIY acrylic nails I thought, "never would I ever..." but I found myself in a pinch a few months ago where I needed my nails done for an event and didn't have time to make it to the salon. I glued these puppies on and low and behold...the PERFECT manicure LITERALLY at your fingertips! I was blown away.

There is definitely a learning curve to applying nails yourself, but once you get it down, your wallet will thank you. At about $7 a box (and I can usually get one set to last me two applications) it is extremely affordable, and well worth it. I like having natural nails, but can never give my nails enough of a breather to grow out. These nails last about one week, giving my nails just enough time to grow so that when the fake nails pop off, my natural nails underneath are ready for a fresh coat of polish!

I can't believe I ever snuffed my head to the idea of DIY because I'm a DIY-obsessive. I have tried applying clear coats of polish, the bitter biter polish, and will power...nothing availed until I found these CVS approved nails!

Here is how I apply the fake nails myself:

1. Wash hands to get rid of any oils present on my nails
2. Clip cuticles (optional)
3. Lightly file the top of the nail to get rid any shine so that the nails will glue down easily.
4. I start off by laying the right sized nails out in front of me so I can move quickly.
5. I apply a SMALL drop of the included nail glue give it a few seconds to get tacky, line up the nail and press it down for about 5 seconds.
6. Once all the nails are applied, I usually like to apply polish on top.

Sometimes I leave the french manicure and don't apply polish, but I am really really into grey nail polish right now so I will usually apply that. and BOOM. nails on fleek.

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